Today is Saraswati Pooja day. It is the ninth day of Navratri (nine nights), a special time of the year when the Devi (Shakti) is worshipped. On Saraswati pooja day we place books, musical instruments, art materials etc. in front of Saraswati Ma, the Goddess of Learning, to receive her blessings. To mark this special day, I am reposting the above shloka dedicated to Saraswati Ma.
This is a good shloka to teach children. Saraswati, the Goddess of Knowledge,Wisdom and all the Arts, is most often depicted as dressed in white, sitting on a lotus flower with a Veena (musical instrument) on her lap.
Saraswati namastubhyam
varade kamaroopini
Vidhyarambham karishyami
siddhir bhavatu me sada
Meaning: I salute you, Goddess Saraswati, the giver of boons. As we begin our learning, we look to you for your blessings always.
Happy Navratri and Dusshera!
Meera Sharma
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