'Namaste!' What does it mean?

'Namaste' is a widely recognized word and gesture, very symbolic of everything Indian. Touching the palms of both hands together and bringing them close to the chest we bow slightly, with our eyes closed for just that moment, as we greet others with the word 'Namaste'.

If we split the word 'Namaste' we can discover its meaning.
Namah (I offer my respects) + te (to you) = Namaste. (नमः + ते = नमस्ते ). 

Recognizing the divinity that resides within each of us we bow and offer our salutations. It is a gesture that embodies humility and acceptance of all.  'Namaste' may be used both to welcome and to bid farewell.Though primarily a gesture of welcome it is also used when someone leaves, unlike in English where we say 'Hello' only when we meet someone and not when we part! 
The two hands coming together symbolize the coming together of minds. The bow and the closing of the eyes are intended to exude and aura of humility,warmth and friendship. It is believed that this gesture, if offered respectfully and with a pure heart, sends out positive vibrations that benefit both the greeter and the one being greeted. 
The word 'Namaskar' is sometimes used instead of the word 'Namaste'.

Meera Sharma


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