A new look for this blog!

Hello Readers!
This blog is getting a new look! I thought it might be fun to try out this new, dynamic template that makes it easier for you, as the reader, to navigate the blog and find posts that you might want to read or re-read. It also gives you the flexibility to choose the format that you would like to view the blog in. Please do try out the different views that you can choose, by clicking on the options in the black toolbar above this post. Also check out the toolbar on the right side!
 I really, really would like your honest feedback about this new template. Do you like it? Is it user friendly? Or do you think we should go back to the old, more traditional format? You can input your comments in the box below this post.This template makes it easier for you to post comments. So go for it! Can't wait to hear what you think of the new look! 
 Meera Sharma
