Prayer to Saraswati, the goddess of learning

 A good sloka to teach children is one dedicated to Saraswati , the goddess of knowledge, wisdom and all the arts. Goddess Sarawati is most often depicted as dressed in white, sitting on a lotus flower with a Veena (musical instrument) on her lap.

Saraswati namastubhyam
varade kamaroopini
Vidhyarambham karishyami
siddhir bhavatu me sada

Meaning: I salute you goddess Saraswati the giver of boons. As we begin our learning we look to you for your blessings always.

Here is a link to this sloka sung by me in a simple tune suitable for teaching to kids:


  1. Great initiative . Will be very useful for parents . We need to keep our culture alive .

    rgds / murali


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